
Please check with your state's Vehicle Code & make sure it allows it etc. A check with the Highway Patrol is a good idea also.

In some States the code leaves it up to the Officer (as to saftey). If one doesn't like your vehicle, It's in the impound yard.

Trucks are designed as commercial vehicles, not "low riders" and if you drive on the freeway your; "asking for trouble" is some areas.

Even Brad admits his has stearing problems, so be crefull.

If you are involved in a collision due to stearing/suspention failure (after modification) It's going to be YOUR FAULT in the eyes of the court.

A small lowering (like Brad's) is probably okay from a practical standpoint. You have to judge if; It's worth the risk for yourself.

Good luck. \:\)

John M., I.I. #3370

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going". -Anon