funny thing about all this is you guys wouldnt go find out what works best...I did.. I paid for it.... I am willing to help...all you can do is slam me for comming to you to offer help... next I paid for the knowledge and you want it for free...want my bank account #? and credit card # too? guys keep getting deeper and deeper..why not ask Tom Langdon for free stuff or Mike Kirby or free membership in this club...My Christian friends are with me on this and I have explained this to many...they keep saying same thing-Just stay away from them Lee will keep slamming instead of being thankful..if you dont have a hot engine YET!!!!!!!I can see why-you will not accept help.....I wish the best and understand you....wish you would understand me sincerely trying to good Luck and I will concentrate on those that do want my help and there are MANY!!!!

Sincerely and With Christian Love
