There seems to be a tremendous amount of tech data being offered and or suggested on cylinder head mods i.e. lumps , separate intake ports etc.

Devoid of this discussion has been the single most important variable in port modifications. Street and strip, pick up trucks. performance cars, all need a 70% exhaust port ratio to intake flow. If that ratio is not respected, your hard work is all for not.

If you "increase the port velocity" with the lump mod in the intake, this has to shake hands with the exhaust port flow. A 10 cfm flow improvement with the port balance being maintained is a huge power improvement. A 40 cfm intake flow improvement with no proportionant exhaust flow improvement is good for absolutely nothing.

There are lots of those old Superflow 110 benches They can only pull 10 inches of water at high valve lift , but you will learn a ton, quickly. All your mods will make sense then and you will be amazed at what matters and what doesn't.

A stock iron head that has the port ratio installed will out run any welded, glued and screwed head with sexy looking ports.