mogofosho... I'd suspect the programming to be a "hacking" sort of thing, if it can even be done. GM engineers put this particular bit of electronics in the Trailblazer so it wouldn't be stolen. If there were an easy way around the security system, it wouldn't be very secure \:\) . The two computers communicate with serial data (think scan tool on the OBD2 port, but a different protocol), so it's not like we can just hook that one wire up to +/- 12V and have it work, which is a bummer. There may be a way to make a module that sends the PCM the proper serial data for start up. We would need to know what it expects to receive that tells it to allow a start and run condition. Or if Westers is deep enough in the PCM coding, they may be able to "flick some switches" to allow it to work w/o the BCM. -Chuck