Okay, we need to do two things here.

First: We need to see (exactly) how much it will cost to get the molds in shape for a 20 head run. Mike K. can do this.

Second: We need to see how many are interested in buying a $5,000 head. Post a poll here and see (exactly) what money we can get.

If 25 people sign up then it 'can be done'. \:\)

There's probably 2-3 that would buy them as an investment. What would a Wayne (new unused) be worth today??

In the "land of money" $125,000 is nothing today. Try some ads in Forbs, USA Today or the Wall Street Journal. It's out there, 'seek & ye shall find'.......

John M., I.I. #3370

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going". -Anon