If you guys Look at Mikes web site You will see his stage3 is a fully done head from start to finish even stage two is Out the door ready to go head with all the goodies. Stage 1 pretty much a bare bone head. all the machne work is done
(seats,guides,street Ported,valves, guides honed,
and a valve job,)
Stage two has more and Stage 3 has more.
So stage (1) OLD Prices 2940, stage (2)3320
Stage (3)3650 OLD priceing. SO now due with the higher cost of Pretty much everything To Build the
same is MORE.

And Bottom Line is NO real Call/Market for this stuff sadly enough to say.
and from what I have seen over the years myself is that when somebody wants something Its here and NOW or more yesterday NO BODY wants to wait. Because all of a sudden they have a wild hair up their Butts and once the wild hair is gone THEY DON"T CARE plain and simple.
When Mike first made this new head it sat there and sat there,Then a Hot Rod mag did a story
and the Wild hair was up everyones BUTT. So even Now that the wild hair is gone Once again so are the heads. Even To me this makes for a real headack.
The V8 heads are like Butts & elbows everyBody has them and This is mainly why they can be Made so cheaply. NO Body wants to fix anything IT's BUY it and GO and the Heck with waiting.
Another very good example is when I first made MY
bell cranks It was like everyone wanted/needed one
now that those few/handful got what they wanted,
there is very little interest now. But That is just the way things are In OUR own little inliners world.

We are the few and we are Proud Of what we have.
And did anyone ever think On how old(young) some of these guys are and did it ever cross your minds They Just mit be getting a Touch burned out? Yes we need some Young Blood to step up and take over BUT we are still a very slim group That
want The HIGH TECH/Go fast goodies and even we are getting older, but we still want what we want
and Most of US want it NOW not later. Yeah I'd love to have one of then heads Or even one of the very first ones. But like I have that kinda money.And I know many of you Don't either,Yes it would be SWEET if we could get what the Vguys have.When it comes to picking up the book or Phone and say Hey I want that. But the Inline market Just Got Pushed WAY to far out/Back.For prices to even come close.And most of us Just want a good Sweet daily driver who now and then
can Blow the doors Of the vthings and the Tuner guys.

I'm sorry if I come across as being a smart** or even cold hearted in this matter, BUT reality is
what it IS.And sadly to say is we are truly a small But PROUD handful in a Tuner/vthing world.
Were things are cheaper for them.

To me this club is Great in many ways. We each try our best to help out. And for those that can
make things EVEN one offs and if some else see's it and likes it sometimes Gets A copy of those one offs. ALot of the Things i have seen Home made
are VERY Sweet and in some cases a true peice of
art/craftsmenship. And I try to do what i can,
and Im very Greatful for all the Feed backs &
intersts people show. I know I'll keep doing what
I can But i know one day I'll get the burn out to.
But hopfully someone would or will fill my shoes.

sorry for the Long wind.

[oooooo] smile
Adding CFM adds boost smile
shocked God doesn't like ugly.