Okay; If were going back to "square one", then it should be OHC as well, like the Pontiac 6.

How close is it to a 250/292 block?? We all know It's similar.

Finding someone to spend several hundred hours FREE is the problem. Plus the 'out of pocket' expenses needed & the time (a couple of years) too.

There's NO CHANCE till the $100k is in escrow.

It's all ecconomics. \:\( You can take your $5,000 (cost of head) and buy a fair used car, clean it up and re-sell the same year and make a grand, perhaps more (5=6).

That same 5k would sit in escrow for at least 3 @ 4%. You do the math.......

This is why Wayne MFG and Mr. Kirby are 'burned out' on it all. The Ford guy just hasn't reached that point yet.

John M., I.I. #3370

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going". -Anon