from Joe Dial:
>>Actually now that I think about it is probably off a car with a 230 or 250. The reason I say that is because it has an automatic choke. All the trucks including pickups used a manual choke with maybe the exception of the '67s. But I think even they did. I think the first 6 cylinder automatic choke was on the '68 monojets.<<

If I understand right, then the big one barrel model "B" from a 292 only came as manual choke?
I'm trying to set one up using parts from a BV.
It happens to be a 67 292 carb w/ manual choke.
Now I find that though the top of carb seems to interchange just fine the throttle body for the 292 is lacking the mount for the choke high idle cam. My 292 "B" carb has an approx 1 3/4" throttle while all my BV's are approx 1 9/16".
Has anyone seen a large throttle body with the mount for the high idle cam?
Any place to find specs for model B or BV carbs.
My Rochester book by Doug Roe has the specs for MV's but not the earlier carbs.
Also I've noticed locally that parts books are consolidated so much that the parts guys will deny 230's and 292's might have had different carbs! Thanks.

64 Chevelle
61 C30 Panel truck