Hi Nex - I dont know the answer to that question. The long and the short of it, is that is how Frohmader gets paid - sales of articles. In the past, he has been ripped off by particular groups by unauthorized photocopy of his material. By the time it gets through the legal channes, he has nothing to show for his efforts.

We talked over the weekend, and I am still in favor if binding all the articles in a series and selling it as a book. There are about 100 pages done so far with about 200 to go. I am going to do my best to have him include his info on the Pontiac 6 build up he did and maybe his 292 series. Maybe its a good idea, maybe its not - just thinking outloud here. I'm sure if we could get 50 or 75 people to lay out the $50 or so it would take to buy one, he would do it.

But as a group I doent want to be associated with ripping him off as has happened in the past.

So, Inliners, how about it?? Is there any interest in committing to a book for this? I'd pay $50 in advance to get it. Anyone else? Comments? Moderators, should this be in Bench racing? Repost if necessary.

I.I. #1475