Steve< I realize this is an old topic , but I am curious how you made out with your floor pans. We just went thru some repairs on the box side of my '65 Pickup and had major tin canning. The young guy that fixed it *after Mr. Know-it-all made it worse than ever* would find the high spot, and with a marker put 5 little dots in a circle around the high spot. Then he would heat the 5 little spots a bit and then heat directly in the middle and work it out with a hammer and dolly. Worked awsome but extremely time consuming. Even when I told him to get a heavier hammer. LOL Looks great now. Light skim, some sanding and ready for the high build primer.

Ontario Inliners
1965 Chevelle
1940 Chev
1965 Chev Pick-up
1970 MGB Roadster