This like solar technology here, has been subverted by the Feds.

The 2 main ingredents of alcohol are grain which we have plenty and sugar which the soft drink companies throw away millions of gallons of after their drinks are made each year.

Here's the hitch; they (grain/sugar) must be distilled to make a burnable liquid. Enter the ATF that blocks every attempt to do this everywhere in the US.

Alcohol as a second fuel can be used in about of 30% of our country (perhaps more) but this R&D isn't allowed.

The electric car was developed by Chysler & General Electric decades ago with a range of 300 miles. A great second car but R&D on the battery technolgy is stalled by EPA for possible environmental risks.

These are the same folks that require "smog devices" that cause your vehicle to use more fuel to clean the air.

Go figuer????

John M., I.I. #3370

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going". -Anon