
The 'politics' of all this is massave to say the least & has since the end of WWII when the USA started importing oil from Saudi Arabia & the 'mid east'.

The "washington wisdom" then was to use theirs & save ours for future use etc. Also it is much easier to get the oil (out of ground) there than here.

In 3 years or less we (Americans) could stop using their oil all together, going to natural gas, electric, alcohol et al; keeping the monies involved here.

The BIG problem is the rest of the world cannot.

I think; Because much of their technology comes from us the Feds. surpess everything in this area.

A 'battle' is looming however; as the EPA & DOE are at oposite ends of it all.

John M., I.I. #3370

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going". -Anon