Drew not quite right on the first post, cork does not get along with alcohol (ethanol or methanol) according to this web site


it also specifies that some plastics like polyurthane. They also suggest giving your fuel system components a bath in alcohol and see which ones come out, well that's one method. I wonder if they make alcohol approved carb kits, just a thought.

Jet size and compression is a factor. Jets need to be enlarged by 27% for pure alcohol, ok start with less and work up. Compression this the one I'm wondering about. The octane figures for e85 range from 100 to 107. Does any one know or have any experience on what increases mileage might be gained from upping the compression? I'll even settle for guesses. What compression ratio can I run on with the current premium gas?
The Jr Fuel dragsters are required to run straight methanol and are regularly checked to make sure they are. Our dragster ran 14:1 compression. Our best time was 7.13, 186 mph in the quarter. Power fuel?
btw I cc'd my 292 head and now know why the 194 head is desireable.

Gas mileage and price is a factor. Thank you John for your input, it got me to thinking. Here is a link on how to make your own ethanol and get around the ATF.

An article in "Rod & Custom" or one of the truck mags made me aware that e85 even existed. There are 95 production stations, and 2400 gas station dispensing it in the midwest. It's not available in CA yet (except one station south of San Diego) because CARB has not approved a nozzle to dispense it yet???? Alcohol is a product of the Agriculral Industry and is distributed by the Petroleum Industry. When you go to a gas station, who put the prices on the pumps. What don't I understand.

Another thing that prompted me to start this topic is I have a local source that will mix e85 for me. Friday afternoon I'll see if I can get a price.

Perhaps some one could post the prices in their area.

Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. - Benjamin Franklin

Ignorance can be fixed Stupidity is forever