Dear Bill;

Hasn't the Gov. been paying them 'not to grow' for years in the form of "price subsides" keeping grain/food out of the world marketplace??

Don't under estimate these people! With the equipment of today they can produce more product with less land. The 'left over' portions (corn) will feed their animals, making it even more attractive.

Here in the California (high desert) the land remains unused since WWII where the onions were grown. Their's other lands (USA) where it can/will be done too.

Anything that aids our ecconmy today will also be helping the 'next generation' for future years.

Now; They'll be able to grow all they want, bringing $ back to our society which is long overdue. \:\)

John M., I.I. #3370

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going". -Anon