
No matter how we argue, this needs to be done NOW and the American 'work ethic' can/will "make it happen."

I don't know why onions aren't grown here, but It's probably due to the 'marketplace'.

I don't know much about farming either, but we ALL know that soon there will be a market for more (corn soy) than the food producers will have time for. This means that others will be in the game as well. There must be tons of used farm equipment + what the 'big kids' won't need or want when they expand. I'll bet a 4X4 could pull a plow to get some people started. This puts American land back to work for America.

As I recall; Charles pulled the plow while Carolyn steared in one episode...... \:\)

This 'special crop' should be grown all across the country where weather patterns/conditions vary, protecting it from nature/disaster etc.

EFI systems will be developed (here now) to adjust mixtures so the ratio gas/ethanol can increase, reducing our fossil fuel needs more.

This (to me) is a simple way to get America united again and break OPECs grip on our transportation systems. \:\)

John M., I.I. #3370

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going". -Anon