Currently, 10% and 85% ethanol is available. In my opinion, E85 is too expensive for the BTUs. I gotta wonder if there isn't a misunderstanding here. Where are you getting the information that there is a mandatory increase in the percentage of ethanol in fuel (ie. >10%). I would have suspected that the energy bill is requiring more gallons of blend, not a greater percentage of ethanol per gallon. It would be impossible to legislate >10% ethanol since the vast majority of vehicles do not support it.

We have been using 10% blend for greater than a decade with no ill effects. The ethanol does clean out rust from fuel tanks. Change fuel filters frequently for awhile and all is fine.

I supplement heat in my house with a corn burning stove. The exhaust is acidic enough to require AL29-4C alloy stainless steel chimney liner. Cost more than the stove...