OK got my headers CeraChrome coated by Caps in Frenso, CA... (love em) and ordered gaskets from Clifford (thought my headers were Clifford). Ran for 3 days and blew the gasket where the header meets the upper 3-1 Y. Clifford sez that I have a "short set of headers" that are not "Clifford" style because they terminate in the engine compartment and that Clifford headers terminate outside (aft)of the engine compartment. This results in a higher temp in the collector that are too close to the exhaust manifold which caused a premature failure of the gasket and I need to use a alternative gasket (copper) due to the temp difference. I spent $$$$ for those gaskets....Do I need to replace with copper vs some other material. The gaskets I removed prior to coating the headers was your typical gasket material and did not have any problems. Your thoughts?