El Viejo, I don't think you are adjusting the valve train correctly. If I remember correctly, after establishing you're at T.D.C. on the cylinder that your working on (see other posts above) and both rockers will move around some. Back the adjustment screw off some. The push rod should spin between the thumb and forefinger. Start to tighten the adjustment screw UNTIL you fill resistance to rod turning. This action has taken up all the slack in the valve train. Grab the rocker arm and give it a good wiggle to see that it is indeed centered. You can tell as the resistance to turning the push rod will change. Tighten the adjustment screw 1/2 to 3/4 more (personal choice) and lock it down without letting it turn further. As far as the carb is concerned...as I stated before, I have no working knowledge of that carb. On other carbs like the Holleys, if you turn the adjustment screw in the engine will die. If it doesn't, then something is amiss. Good luck.

Last edited by beltfed; 09/05/08 10:12 AM. Reason: editing