Just a few random thoughts
One 3" pipe flows the same as 2 - 2" pipes if calulated as you would for pressureized liquid flow. I think the advantage of one three inch pipes is less surface area to cool the exhaust gases and to cause friction losses along the pipe wall. If you go to 2 - 3" pipes I think your flow loss due to lack of velocity would hurt your low end performance at least on an unblown engine. The effects on a turbo charged engine might be less.
The effects of 1 5/8, 1 3/4, and 2" pipes on small block chevys was studied years ago by the larger header companies and they discovered that the operating RPM range made a major difference in what was required.
This is why exhaust extractors for high performance engines are normally tuned for a given rpm range usually narrow.
Just for fun figure how many cfm a 250 turning at 1000rpm puts out, then figure the cfm of the same engine turning at 7000 rpm and see if you think the pipe diameter requirements would be different.

Been there, Done that, Hope to live long enough to do it again.
Big Bill
I.I.# 4698