I've been watching this converstion with much interest.
Without sounding too political or biased, let's just throw out the information and take what you want and not start bickering on what someone said has been proved by actual time slips and records. LeeLites has never said "this is what you should do". He's just like the rest of us trying and sharing things. If his words sound a bit purposeful, it's just his "Passion" for the hobby and his extensive work he's done. I've never met Lee, but I'll bet you a fully restored Tri-power set-up, he's no different or better than the rest of us. Nobody can deny he has done a lot of work in these areas of flowing heads. I for one don't understand half of the technical stuff and usually shoot from the hip and use my eye for details. I'm sure a lot us fall into that category. Let's not curb the enthusiasm that our members bring to this forum for the sake of hurting someone's feelings. We are all mature here, right? If you don't agree with something, it's your right to say so and challenge anything you want. Just make sure you can validate your information. If you can't, you will be found out.

If you think the end results of wrenching and research is the fastest times, or the most HP, or the coolest looking car, you're in it for all the wrong reasons. It's all about being able to exchange ideas and information with others just like you. There will always be folks with more and less abilities and experiance than us, but none can ever take your desire to enjoy the hobby in your garage away from you.

1940 ChoppedChevyCoupe

Loud Pipes Saves Lives!