
Use three side draft Webers,that will give you even fuel distribution,& the most power & better street diveability bar none.
W/a change from all the different two bbl & 4 bbl carbs I have tried (which is a lot BTW) then switching to three side draft Webers I had wished I had done this swap much sooner.

I wasted a lot of time & $ on using all these different types of carbs.

I just could never afford the Webers ,that is why I tried all other forms of carburation first.

I got a deal years ago from the recycler paper,three 48 MM Webers on a Datsun 240-280 Z Cannon intake manifold ,all for $200.

Even though 48 MM's were too big,it still ran better than anything I had ever tried.

Second choice three downdraft Webers.
Just some examples http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Weber-45-...sQ5fAccessories



12 port SDS EFI