Displacement is not measured by volume in the cylinder and head chamber, rather it is the measure of the amount of volume that is 'displaced' by the piston as the it moves the min height to max height in the cylinder, i.e. stroke x ((bore/2)^2 x Pi) = displacement for an ind cylinder. By putting on a smaller chamber head it means that there is a smaller volume to be compressed by the stroke, thusly, increasing compression and conversely the compression will be lower with a larger chamber head.
Displacement and compression are two completely different measures.

I believe that before you make head and compression decisions that you need to determine you cam lift & duration, valve spring and valve decision.

Good luck. It's nice to see a kid 'dare to be different' and stick with the inline. \:\)

Last edited by JimW; 03/31/10 06:56 AM.

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then read the directions and try again.