I am w/you on recommending forged pistons for forced induction,but if someones wants to try a low boost supercharger or turbochager on a stock engine & does not want to spend little to no money & or has no money,to do so,let them try it out I say,that's how you learn.
More than likely a hard way to learn if not extremly careful.

If the guy wanted to run high boost 87 octane & just slap a blower on,I would not tell him ,try it out & that's it.

Years ago I built my friends 1981 VW Schirocco (SP).
He was on a low budget.
I just reringed & new bearings the engine,ported the cylinder head & used all new gaskets etc.

The pistons & engine were just plain lower compression 1st year 8.5:1 VW GTI 1.8L engine.
The turbo set-up he had was a very primative,it had an imco (SP) valve to control the boost pressure,even that engine suprised me on how much boost it could take ,which was 20 psi.
I added an intercooler from a junkyard Renault turbo fuego.

It was a very quick little car that weighed about 1800 lbs

My friend was ,lets say very frugal when it came to $$$,the hoses wanted to blow off all the time when it went into high boost,all it needed to prevent that was to bead roll the ends on the intercooler tubes.
But that was my first hand experience w/turbocharging & was around the year 1988,since then & actually before then, I always have been interested in learning more & more about turbocharging & supercharging,& Nitrous.


12 port SDS EFI