The ignition ought to be "interesting". I got the Megajolt Jr kit built today (wrong part, on it's way). Ugh, I hate working with surface mount parts. I have to weld up a mount for the coil pack, do wiring, etc.

The Corvair nuts have worked this out already. I'm a major fan of those guys because they too have to make a lot of their own stuff, and there's enough of them doing so to have decent projects. Basically the guy who first did it points out how incredibly easy it is to bring up -- you run the engine on your old stock system, but put the timing light onto the EDIS system that runs simultaneously! When you see it all working OK you switch over the plug wires! Nice!

This motor has a very old fashioned spark "table" (or however you want to talk about spark timing). Stock, it's 11 degrees mechanical advance, max, and 5 degrees static -- 16 total advance! (Another 11 for the vacuum advance).

I'm going to measure mechanical advance, on the car, at 1000, 1500, 2000, etc rpm (rows), then do the same with vacuum advance, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 inches of vacuum (columns), make a spreadsheet of the sums, and enter that as my initial table in MegaJolt.

I hacked the distributor for 20 degrees mechanical advance, and I run about 13 static, for 33 degrees total. It has never pinged. It's old and worn, so there's timing jitter. THat will go away with EDIS.

I'm aiming for "DONE!" by October, there's a vintage rally run, some 600 miles in two days of mountain and canyon roads. I want to beat some import sports cars in my Rambler :-)