The way my system is made and installed the double merge system is best and if you look at the one picture of it you will see it's not practicle to install any other pipe which could be called an X-over. The combo is in the merge megaphone which is where the next HP will come

Last week we were able to reach a goal I set for myself 29 years ago of reaching 170 MPH at Bonneville with a carburated stock head GMC. I was able to run 171+ in a qualifying run. Our return run was slowed by a broken rocker shaft but I was still able to average 168.8. There is still more so I'm hopefully not done yet.

Burns was very instrumental in the designing of many NASCAR teams engines in the past that that's why their shop was chosen. You go with a winner even if you are pushing a 32 grille shell with an obsolete 7 port engine.............JD

216.158 MPH 12-Port 302 GMC on 70% 171.0 MPH 302 stock head on gasoline 7 years later