I am going to shoot my mouth off here a bit at the risk of getting run into the ground by profesional mechanics and engineers. But here goes....

I am a dentist. I have no formal training in engineering or mechanics. i have had a 235 since high school and I like them. That is my only qualification: I like the 235 series engines.

I helped develop that BHJ balancer. It was for the Webrodder series I was helping Frohmader do on 235's. Then Frohmader turned into a dick causing the series to go nowhere. But that is another discussion for the future....

When the time of the build up came to do the balancing, one complaint I had was that there was no GOOD balancer for a 235 much less one that had 2 grooves (Brian called them "shivs") for this series. Well, together we came up with what BHJ produces today. there were some arguments along the way, but suffice it to say it is produced today for us. Yes, it is expensive but IMHO it is the best thing out there for harmonics for us

A separate argument, and the one I have more trouble with than the discussion about the science of balancers is about the credibility of parts for 235's (and others) if they are or are not published in the 12 port news. This will probably get censored but I dont care because its the truth. I submitted several articles on parts such as this for publication and they got nowhere with the 12 port news. I was never told why, they were just thrown in file 13. I dont get one nickel from BHJ producing and selling this balancer. I needed a 2 groove balancer and they asked me to help, so I did. But I still feel that this is one piece that we really need for our engines rather than alter a 292 balancer. Bur it seems if it is not approved by the "team" there is no ink. and that is too bad, - this thing flat works (my 56 is proof). I had nothing to gain by selling it - only to help inliners. It got nowhere because the powers that be decided so. And yet the reference that gets continually cited is a reference to an old article done by a 12 port advertiser for profit who alters a production balancer and says its great. And he has no science behind it!! Everyone cites this article as "proof" because its in the 12 port news. I dont get it.

Argue all you want - this piece has the science behind it. Call Brian Clarke at BHJ and ask him.

I.I. #1475