Yes the North is copping it at the moment,with 10's of thousands effected.
In the South,(where I am) it is wet also,but the flooding is not quite as bad.
The Queensland (north) floods are the biggest natural disaster to hit Australia in a long time. The death toll is about 16 so far,but still 50 or more unaccounted for,and as days go by,one would have to assume they are lost also. Many might never be found in the debris and mud.
Youtube has lots of videos, just dial in Queensland floods,or Toowoomba as key words.
Here is one to get you started.
Our TV channels are news 24/7 of the disaster. Makes you feel helpless in many ways. I am about 1200 miles from the centre of things.( fortunately)
and another one

and one from the air
regards,Rod \:\(

Last edited by walpolla; 01/14/11 06:20 AM.