Semi retiring. \:\)

I don't know if it was intentional, but good pun. \:D

Several of the bucks up guys at Bonneville use a trailer that kneels with air bag suspension (deflate the bags and the trailer squats) to transport the race cars around the salt (for any that don't know it's actually against the rules to drive a competition vehicle, under it's own power, anywhere but on one of the courses, so towing or pushing are the methods used to get them to and from the courses).

The tech wouldn't be that difficult to copy for someone of lesser finacial means than George Poteet, and should be very easy on the car while going down the road.

I would design in some removeable bump stops though, as I wouldn't want the trailer to loose an air line and squat going down the interstate. \:o

Last edited by Nexxussian; 01/23/11 04:41 PM. Reason: clarify what

My, what a steep learning curve. Erik II#5155