yeah Hoyt it sure is lol, I had it put in the shop a few years ago and just left in the bag in the garage ever since, last summer I was just too burned out from the college year (hard knocks for a cellular/molecular bio and microbio double major lol. This summer i decided it was time to get things done. Last winter I had a good buddy of mine port and polish an 848 head for 180 bucks lol and he did a good job, had it decked 50 thousandths, put new exhaust valves and hardened seats put in, unshrouded the exhaust valve to the inner combustion chamber area. Had new springs and keepers put in (oh side note people should have their springs load tested before they install them, my never before installed 'brand new' springs were all over place load wise and couldnt use them, had to get new ones). Next I am rebuilding my truck to get ready for the new motor-lots on my plate but the motor is coming along and looks great!

you can lead people to truth, but you can't make them see it!