
Are you using one of the original Howard manifolds or one like Patrick's? it seems that even with manifold heat, much of the unvaporized fuel from the 1, 3, or 5 carburetors will run right down the runners into the head, where it will probably be vaporized. The reason for heating a stock manifold or a two-carb manifold is to provide a hot surface on the manifold lower surface to boil off the liquid fuel, especially when the manifold pressure is low (vacuum is high). If progressive linkage is used so that the carburetor above the center port is active for normal operation, the forward and aft ports may be getting less fuel than the center port, even with manifold heat.

Another approach would be to use Tom Langdon's progressive C/W or H/W carburetors with all three carbs linked together, and without manifold heat.

another approach would be to just run the 2 and 4 carb positions on the Howard manifold, with manifold heat under the carbs, with or without progressive linkage.

If you want to run more than two carbs, run 2 and 4, with heat, as the primaries and then kick in 1, 3, and 5 as the secondaries. That is how I now have my 5-carb Wayne manifold set up.

As Norm suggested call Tom Langdon and/or Patrick Dykes.

A similar question came up on the Stovebolt Forum. You might want to contact "bigbadswingdaddy" to see what he did.

There a lot of possibilities.

Hoyt, Inliner #922