Higher gear = more load = need of more fuel.


Sorry but first get new fuel system!

Set total timming to 30* to 34*.

Turn idle screws 1 1/2 to 2 turns out

Open throttle but do not uncover transfer slots, if it will not idle, drill throttle plates .100 hole. to bypass some air.

Use brown accelerator cam make sure there is a little pressure on the diaphram, .035 squirter. May need a 50cc pump.

Drive at full boost read A/F, need (11.0 to 1) change jets only do not drill anything. When you reach this goal figure the total area of jets and pvrc. INSTALL a 2.5 power valve. Jet down and drill pvrc to keep area the same, a little at a time until driveability is good and A/F is (12.5 to 1) if it tries to bog change to smaller squirter or backfire change to bigger squirter.

Works for me.

