Thanks for all the replies guys.

Fats, I have sprayed carb cleaner down the carb shaft and every possible area around the carb and manifold to hopefully find a vacuum leak. Even blocked off all the vacuum pipes and connected only one at a time to see if there may have been an issues with the booster or gearbox modulator, no luck there either.

Fats you did not mention that I must bring the motor up to TDC first before I do what you asked to calculate the gear wear.

Will also have a go trying to set the tappets with the motor running.

I really appreciate the advice, thanks again.

BTW, I am closing in on a deal for a 38 weber carb. I have heard that this carb with an adapter is much better for my motor, will give me better performance and mileage.

1972 Chevrolet El Camino 250 L6 (Holden UTE clone)