Rims are scuffed up and ready for paint. The steering box is back together and surprisingly tight. (whew!) Also, Grandpa got back to polishing the trim. Unfortunately, while he was doing that a piece caught an edge in the buffer, jerked up and ripped open his hand pretty bad. I pulled him inside, wrapped him up, set him in his chair in front of the coverage of the races at our local Sonoma Raceway and he was napping before I got out of the door. Kinda funny about the napping part but jeez, I really hate to see him hurt himself like that. He cant just jump back up like he used to. Luckily, he was back out later that day to help with the steering box, but boy that shook me up seeing him like that. Getting old ain't fun.



--Peter Gray: #6073--

"If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try again."
-William Edward Hickson