Physics gets pretty scary when the numbers get big. Momentum, pressure, weight etc. It's not fun when you get on the wrong side of them. Glad you made it out of that situation okay, and I hope no other incident decided to do the deed later. \:D

Progress from yesterday: The dashboard is painted. It looks pretty nice, then I was struck by the obvious. Why not just paint it the color of the car? Haha, again we'll see how it turns out, but if worst comes to worst we can always use the left over paint from the car. We also built the linkage for the clutch pedal to the lever on the bell housing. Then we drove to our closest paint store to pick up the paint for the car (about an hour drive.) On the way back, my '01 Jeep Cherokee stuck an exhaust valve and that took a good portion of time to diagnose and fix. These last couple of days have been pretty slow. I hate not getting a lot done, but what are you going to do.



Last edited by BlackJackPG; 06/25/13 01:29 PM.

--Peter Gray: #6073--

"If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try again."
-William Edward Hickson