i'm with your father on the four-point belts, but the roll cage will only get in the way in a street-driven vehicle.

We have snow and ice in Indiana, yes, and you can and should learn to drive on those surfaces, in whatever you have to drive. A good set of all-weather radials will help; feathering the throttle, driving sloooowly, and looking ahead and behind will help even more. The greater danger to your '40, greater than the snow and ice, is road salt -- a foreign substance in California, but a way of life in winter here in the frozen wastes. It is the chemistry with which the tinworm lives and works.

There is no "Indiana Chapter," but we have a North Central Regional group that meets once a year, usually in late August or early September in Westerville, Ohio, near Columbus. Bob Garrett, Tom Langdon, Big Bill McCoy, and some other highly knowledgeable and competent Inliners are active in that group. We should all welcome you to the arctic Midwest, and we should hope that you'll be able to bring that '40 eventually. In the meanwhile, you can learn to drive on snow and ice in that clapped-out Cherokee.

i should certainly welcome you to Indiana and will gladly help you in every way i can. i am semi-knowledgeable about the older machinery -- like unto your '40 -- but mechanical competence is another matter. You, indeed, might be far more help to me than i to you. Where are you going to school -- Purdue, Rose-Hulman, IU, or ? Let me know when you're coming, and i'll send you some contact information.

God's Peace to you.

Inliner #1450