I think to get younger people interested in the forum, you need to first target them publically, so they can see in person what Inliners is all about. And to do this, you might need to let it be up to the Inliner Chapters to host events to draw them in. The internet is so huge, that the younger crowd already searches for what they have an interest for. So to educate them, they need to see first hand the vintage stuff, and talk to the owners and chapter members at events or special functions.
So when these Chapters plan a function or event, they need to figure a strategy to bring in the younger crowds to appeal and market the benefits of Inliners to them.
One way to do this, is for the Chapter heads of each region to seek out several local high schools and ask the principal if they would be willing to host an Inliner car show at their school on a weekend once a month or every other month, and rotate to different schools also. That way you get free publicity to the youth you are trying to target, and hopefully it will stimulate them to go search the junkyards and barns for projects to become involved in. Then, this might interest them to further become involved with the chapters in other activities and functions and lead them to the forum. Its a stepping stone process, but its pretty effective to go where they are kind of mentality.

Class III CNC Machinist/Programmer