OK, I'm a geezer to at 71 years old. Since I was 14 years old I have had a love and fascination with Inline engines. Throughout the years I have had a few great V8. 20 some years a go a guy gave me a copy of a 12PortNews and an application.

Over the years my wife and I have meet some really great people in the Inliners. And have yet to find one who won't go out of their way to help you. This is a great organization and it can get better. But, it will take the effort of it's members to do so.

I know that Tim and the committee are working hard to improve the web-site. And that there are many differant ideas on how to do that. It's going to take some differant opinions and some constructive arguments to make these positive changes.

We will not get all the young-bloods, or even some of the old geezers. But to grown we need ALL of the members to hand out a copy of the 12PortNews with an application, as a figure of speech, and to become active in the club. Yes, it is a long ways to travel for a convention. But it is a way to meet more people with like interest, to exchange ideas and to have a great time supporting the club. As the club grows there will be more money to improve our web-site.

It's time for everybody to step up and help grow the club by being active. I know it is hard to find time and even the money for some. But, if everyone does a little a lot can be accomplished.

Thanks for the opportunity to ramble on and put my feeling out there. Now you can take your pot shots at me.


Luke Lucas I.I. #516