Originally Posted By: panic
The reason this (faster ramps, accel/velo for the same or even shorter events to conserve cranking pressure and duty cycle) is not more commonly used is that it:
1. requires a harder, finer finish on parts, especially those with scrubbing contact (lobe/tappet, stem/rocker)
2. requires higher spring tension for the same RPM
3. requires stiffer pushrods (anticipating pushrod as the weakest link, in some cases it will be the rocker)
4. reduces service life

Which would lead me to believe:
1. Steel Roller camshaft (Hydraulic?)Steel Roller rockers
2. Limit RPM with reasonable spring rates
3. Increase pushrod diameter
4. Expect shorter service life, offset by fun factor, 'cuz that's why we do it.

Good recipe for a strong street combination. Basic parameters for my next 292 based engine.

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