Thanks CNC-Dude. I have already talked to the mehanic that will finish & do my engine swap & he is going to check this. Actually he worked for Patricks for several years before coming to Texas & that is how I found him was from their recomendation when I mentioned to them I was having big problems locally finding anyone to work on my stuff that had a clue about the old engines.
I have a Clifford intake with the dual 2 barrel 32-36 Webbers & that is part of why I chose the 235 over the 261 as I believe that the 36-38 Webbers swould have been the better choice for the larger engine while the 32-36 is the better choice for the 216 or 235. And my 264 grind cam was done for the 235 but I think it might still fit the cam bushings for the 261 but was not certain on that.
As I will still have the original 216 & the newer 235 this intake - carb setup should do well for either engine should the need ever arise.
Sure wish you did the 235 valve covers but I have a lead on a valve & side cover set of the Wayne from Patricks as they are currently out of stock on them.
In any case my build will be the 235engine.

Jimmie Price
1946 Chevy 5 passenger Sport Coupe