I've been pricing the Z28 exhaust to see what is most affordable. I've got a 20% off I got from Advanced that's good for another 3 days. So I priced the resonator back system from both Rockauto and Advanced. Rockauto is cheaper, but there was extra for shipping while Advanced offered free shipping over $75. I broke down the prices to see which combo was the cheapest overall:

Pipes & hangers: Rockauto: $165.69 Advanced: $155.15
Resonators & clamps: Rockauto: $100.06 Advanced: $129.89
Y-pipe: Amazon: $75.79

I think I'm going to get the pipes and hangers from Advanced now and use the driver side tailpipe that I can hook to my pipe I added to the current muffler position. Then I can get the resonators from Rockauto later, when I can also order the Y-pipe from Amazon and I can have my shop connect it all. I won't need the clamps at that time, because my shop will weld the pipes all up, cut the bracket off the Y-pipe and make a custom pipe from my 2.25" head pipe to the 2.5" Y-pipe flange. Should all be done by summer, and then I'll move on to the ignition system.