:facepalm: I forgot about the Chevy having siamese ports. That makes EFI less ideal. Fuel injection still works, just not as optimized because there is fuel scavenging, even when running full sequential. Basically once over around 2,500rpm or at high throttle the injectors are open longer than the intake valve, so fuel scavenging/stealing happens in a siamesed port. Running batch fire will still run fairly well, just not perfect. I'm mostly pushing for doing the ignition side first and foremost if you are going to spend that kind of money on an ignition box.

I had all sorts of interference issues with the injectors and throttle body, and it is less than ideal for sure. My final intake will be a sheet metal intake and I'm leaning towards welding big nuts to the steel runners and running the aluminum bungs through a die and thread the injectors bungs in. BUT I have not seen if I can get a large enough die to see if it's even feasible. I may go another way with steel tube's of the right diameter or such.

I'm a geologist and I learned all this EFI from reading, playing with the software and asking questions when needed. No one has ever tuned my car's other than me, and sure it's been a learning experience, but it's not impossible.