You really need to sit down and plan out your build. Similar to what you are doing now. Go thru the ideas and whittle thru them, weighing the costs vs benefits. And how they line up with your final objective.
I personally like the idea of the MS system. It is very flexible and could be fully used at a later time. Easy to program too. The timing control it will give you is invaluable.

The fuel scavenging issue is a big one. I ran into it with my Turbo 292. Look at the firing order. 153624. Notice how 2 fires and 2 puts later 1 fires? Here is where it happens. 2 gets a full charge and 1 gets a partial charge. Same happens with 5 and 6. These cylinders fire too close in time to each other and therefor rob fuel charge from the lagging cylinder.

A good throttle body system will mask this and not be much of a problem until about 500 HP. Same with a carb system.

Inliner Member 1716
65 Chevelle Wagon and 41 Hudson Pickup
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