Thanks guys, I'm sure we'll get it eventually. We may have a completely different distributor, but we'll get this sucker to run sometime in the next 100 years! Thank you for the encouragement!

We spent another day in the shop today jacking around again. Same problem. Tests fine on the distributor machine, but acts erratically on the car. We threw the old original distributor back in the car to see whether another problem had popped up since we started messing with it, but the car started up and ran just fine. There's something wrong in that distributor and we'll find it eventually!

The plan for this evening is to send it back home with our retired GM mechanic friend who will throw them in his distributor tester to compare the degrees of ignition on each of the distributors. Maybe that's the problem! Or maybe the gear we have on the Mallory has the wrong ratio and is spinning the distributor out of sync with the engine.

The possibilities are endless!



--Peter Gray: #6073--

"If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try again."
-William Edward Hickson