I did not log my time but I am sure that I did not spend twenty hours on the actual build of my MS 2, GM adaptor, and the stem board combined. I am neither a computer guy nor a builder of electronic circuit boards but with good instructions and "support" from efi-diy it got done. My downfall was finding and setting up an affordable laptop that could run Windows and also access the internet from our Hughes satellite account. Learning Windows was another challenge. I began with Windows '98 and ended up several upgrades down the road, one that is no longer supported by the developer. I hate the constant "improvements" in this stuff. mad

When all was assembled I swapped out the stock ECM from my old '89 GMC and tried to run it on the MS. It ran as long as the starter circuit was hot but died as soon as I let it go. I got frustrated and hung it up. A couple of years later It dawned on me that I did not have a file loaded to run the GMC. By then I was too embarrassed and disinterested to go back to it. I'm the most ADD-HD dyslexic SOB you'll run into on this board. If I can get as far as I did you guys can walk right through this stuff. Someday I may run across the box full of this stuff and give it another shot knowing that what I have is now dinosaur crap. laugh

"I wonder if God created man because he was disappointed in the monkey?" Mark Twain