We don't have to defend our engine choice to anyone for any reason. If we want to see what we can get from our inlines that is totally our business. If we get less for our dollar that too is our business. If we are mired in yesterday's technology that is our business. If we want to cruse around with a smooth running quiet old engine under our hood that makes us smile that is our business. It is what it is. You build yours and I'll build mine. If you can not show me the the same respect for my choice that I show you for building a humdrum, cookie cutter, run of the mill, same old same old, boring, commonly 350-350, every day, uninteresting piece of crap V8 powered pile of junk then you can just kiss my sweet sounding tail pipes! mad laugh

"I wonder if God created man because he was disappointed in the monkey?" Mark Twain