Hey Beater, I read you paragraph expressing your members concerns about having their information pirated from the new database and had a good chuckle. Do you know how many years this organization has been mailing a printed roster to its membership? In my case that number would be 15. What do you do with your old copies? Lock them in a safe or hide them in a closet to avoid all that personal info from getting into the hands of those who pick up your trash, or worse yet, those who sort that trash at the recycle center. With a membership averaging around 1500, what percentage do you think toss their copies in the trash, when the new one arrives. Remember this is an International organization so the roster is sent to members all over the world. Who knows where your info could be. And, Oh, my God, it's an annually renewable source for those would-be evil-doers who want to dig for it.

The roster, as it exists on the new database, is on a totally secure platform, accessible only to II members with a username and password created and maintained by the individual. It is 100% up-to-date, not obsolete the minute you get the new one in you hands. When a new members info is entered, it goes straight to the roster and the individuals assigned Chapter. When a member becomes inactive, their name is removed from the roster and the Chapter Head is notified. Now, which scenario is of more concern?

If your members are still worried about this, you need to tell them "Sorry guys the train has left the station and has been for several years. It will be leaving again, when to 2015 roster is printed.

A subject given some thought as opposed to a knee-jerk reaction oft times produces a clear answer.

If someone wants to steal your information, there are easier way to get it than trying to hack a secure database or going dumpster diving for an II members roster.

Silly, simply silly.