Hey Beater, I'm so glad you got to see one of my cars. Isn't technology great. Hope you enjoyed it. It's a nice one. I'm honored you found me that important to take your valuable time to search me out. NOT. I hope it made you happy.

You see Tom, I choose not to live in your world of mass paranoia, having to constantly look over your shoulder, worried about the boogy-man in the closet and afraid that there's someone waiting down the block to invade your house when you leave. It must be very depressing to have to live in fear.

You seem concerned with some of the words I've used, like "laughable". Can you site one instance where an II officer, chapter head or any other inliner member has been targeted while attending a convention, chapter meeting or any other II event, where the information obtained can be traced directly to the roster or the website? I suggest the answer to that question is NO. But, in the event that I'm wrong, please explain. Now that's laughable.

Another is "offensive". This relates to your many rants regarding politicians and our government, which I'm sure don't see things the way you do. These statements have nothing to do with this forum and don't belong here. And your latest one where you make reference to the less fortunate and minorities, which by the way was taken down. Even the sentence you use at the bottom of your post is further evidence of your offensiveness.

I think I've made my point here. The new system is coming whether you like it or not. Linda and I have tried to explain how it will be better than the old one, but you refuse to listen, maintaining to this day that you know more than the people who were assigned the task of improving the clubs image and making the website more secure. I'm sure you've noticed all those showing up here in support of your positions. That number would be "ZERO". I'm not looking for support, that was never my intention. I came here to expose the language and tone you've used in your rants and to rebut your lack of knowledge and false information you've offered on various topics.

So, My plan is to silence my comments, for now and let you deal with Linda directly. I know she won't tolerate your nonsense very long. I'll watch from the sidelines hoping in the future you will either wise-up, be proven wrong, or as you've suggested simply go away.... and wait for the next time you trip over your tongue.
