The valve you show.
First one is stock type or equivilent
2nd one nicer and has a higher price
3rd heavier duty and highest price.

You have yet to do the exh valves.

I offer this kit with all the parts needed to rebuild a head. Also if going with 1.94/1.6

1.84 intake, 1.6 exhaust head rebuild kit

Want to work on your own head? Here is all the parts needed to rebuild yours.


1.84/1.6 valves undercut stainless



Springs Performance

Exhaust seats

Lite weight retainers

Offset locks

Spring setup instructions

This kit contains springs that will work with a camshaft with up to .530 lift and handle 6000 RPM. Use less lift and higher RPM cam be achieved.

Inliner Member 1716
65 Chevelle Wagon and 41 Hudson Pickup
Information and parts