Originally Posted By: tom c
There were no locks on it from the factory. What say ye? thanks

Connecting rods bolts don't typically have locks fitted between the nut and the saddle. In the early L6 era Chevy used either a castle nut or a plain nut with a pal nut. Both prevent backing off. I prefer to use a jam nut instead of the pal nut.

The shop manuals from the day suggest that all of these components are reusable - except the pal nuts.

Many will have you believe that rod bolts are not reusable - in general. This is an over simplification. Some rod bolts are in fact designed for just one torque to yield. While other rod bolts carry an at rest length specification. These can be re-used over and again so long as they don't become permanently stretched .001 beyond spec.

I vote for reuse and avoid over torque (which is typically how over stretch occurs in the first place).
