A 650 Holley is a double pumper with mechanical secondaries. Not a very common carb. The 600 is a vacuum secondary and is very common. Probably the most common Holley carb on earth. Available at swap meets in worn condition starting at 20.00. Good ones can be had for 75 on up.

I do see how a restrictor would help lower the CFM available, but I don't see how it would increase velocity past the venturies to promote air / fuel mixing.

How will the Aerosol type carb work for normal street use? Do they have a choke?

I am trying to develop this 3 barrel carb setup to be a great alternative to the expensive 390 but yet help drivability and fuel mileage. And have the ability to feed real horsepower for the street.

Inliner Member 1716
65 Chevelle Wagon and 41 Hudson Pickup
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